Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ranting and Raving

I wanted to scream bloody murder today. Recently I made the switch to At&t and Direct TV. I really wanted u-verse but it wasn't available for our area, thus they set us up with Direct TV, att wireless, phone and Internet for 100 bucks cheaper than Com cast. Yes 100 big ones cheaper, you think I wasn't going to take that. Previously I had dumped my cell phone, so we only had phone and David's cell, the plan offered at AT&T would give me a cell phone for only 10 bucks more then what we were paying for David's cell.

After a bloody week of waiting for phones to come in the mail, and for AT&T to set up the Internet, today was the day we were supposed reach the promise land Satellite tv with many many more HD channels than cable could dream of, a DVR that can play all the recorded shows in whatever room I want, and channels that Comcast doesn't offer.Yay me, or so I thought. The guy drives up looks at our patio and the tree right in front of it, which I told him about prior to him even coming, and says "No."

Okay, ah *chuckles* ...WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?! Can we do this? No. Or that? No. Ummm how- No. Okay, what about - umm let me think? No.
He did nothing, no working to see if it would get a signal, nothing. Come on, Brandon, if you are going to shatter my dreams at least you can do is put some blood, sweat, and tears into it first!
What I am mad about is my bundle, if I lose one, what happens to my bundle price and therefore my wireless plan, which I am in love with. I was saving 100 dollars so I could afford totally my new IPhone and HTC, I don't think I can do that with my high tail cable bill looming over my head.
I am so pissed, I could sue. I mean, you would think they would tell you something like "oh, this may not work, or this is only a test run." Some foresight on that we may not get a signal, and no I didn't know beforehand or else I wouldn't have even signed on. This is bull. Direct TV, I hate you right now.
Currently I'm waiting on a second opinion and believe me they are going to put their back into making this work, there will be any "no" for me, not after I have gotten so attached to my IPhone. :)

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