Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby's Day at the Park

To make sure that my husband, David, Hayden and I spend some time as a family on a regular basis, I have decided to carve out weekend activities and adventures for us to do together. I also figure that this will give us family time together. Following a quick jetting to the bank and to stand in line at Wal-Mart to return a scale, I decided to take Hayden to the park. With it being 100+ degrees outside lately in Fresno, Hayden's visits to the park have been limited to late evenings before the sun has set between 5 and 7 o'clock. Which is hard to schedule with Hayden having to be to bed at 9:00pm and still needing dinner done with time for Hayden a bath.
With a quick change for the lil' guy, we trotted on to the park.

I was very surprised by...

How strong and coordinated he has gotten in a few short months...

He climbed down the steps...

upright, holding the rail, like a big boy!


He slid down

the slide

Just to

Climb up


He also swung on the swings, climbed through the tunnel, and the best part was that he was the one who did it all no help from us. He ran to whatever he wanted, maneuvering with the coordination of a toddler months ahead of him! We had so much fun that it's too big for a single post! To be con'd...

xoxo, H and M B

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