Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We Made Brownies!

David and Hayden headed out and picked up Hayden's medicine tonight. I immediately gave him it, and he seems to be at least 10x better already but still a little whiny.
Seeing the prescription gave me chills as it was the same antibiotics he was put on following being pumped with antibiotics when he was hospitalized in the first month of his life. It put me back right there: all the tears that were shed and the anxiety that he was going to stay in there. It left such a sour taste in my mouth. So I thought that when life gives you lemons, you made lemonade, err, I mean, brownies!
Hayden didn't help in the kitchen this time but I did allow him a time honored tradition...Licking the bowl! At first he looked around: "Mommy, what is this stuff?"

Daddy happily showed him the ropes

As Mommy snapped away

Proud of her baby boy

Look at that Smile!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is just too cute