Then there's writing. Yes, I have started back writing, so happy I have gotten my mojo back. But it takes soo much time and effort to balance motherhood and getting in enough time to write. I am hoping to find some time to pen some poems that I can post on my LiveJournal. And I also have picked up my guitar again, yes Hayden still messes with it but I kinda brush it off because I am secretly overjoyed to the max that he even likes the darn thing.
Anywho I had a weekend. This weekend we were so rudely (not JK) awaken by David's parents asking if we wanted to meet up at a park and have Hayden play. Of course, I was still sleep at this time (No it was 11am like the clock said, I set the clock wrong *side eye*) So we crawled out of bed like the zombies we felt like and went to the park. This was our third trip to the park spring started but I really love the park as you can see, and have plans to travel all over Fresno to visit and make use of our many parks.
Hayden had lots of fun playing on the playground. He even convinced himself that he liked swings and tried many unsuccessful times to get me to let him swing. But he paid me back by climbing over and over again the contraption in the first and second photos, stopping my heart every time he did it. One more way of him showing me how much he isn't my little baby anymore but my little toddler that wants to do what he wants and do everything himself. As you can see he had much fun of Sunday was the brighter end of a pretty dismal weekend. ;( SO far this week has been better, I don't have much planned for this coming week except maybe realizing BIG TIME and getting some major writing done while I have David around for the one day he has off. Yeah, he is working on Sunday. He has been putting in some crazy hours lately. I am totally looking for him another job, the one he has just has gotten too time consuming and he is almost near home. He needs something else, *here's to hoping*
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