Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Whimsical me!

Along with my goal of maintaining my weight, I need to devise a workout plan and stick to it. My health depends on it. A recent trip to the doctor for myself reveled that I have elevated levels of cholesterol. While it's not high enough to be put on medication for, it is something to watch and get lower.
Another important thing right now for me is being way more eco-friendly, I realized that I am a hoarder and a pack rat with way too much stuff, mostly books, papers, and notebooks (I love to read and write). But if I'm not reading the book and/or using it, it needs to go. As motivation I am telling myself with most of my stuff gone, it will be easier to clean! I am reading so many books on being eco-friendly right now, so I will try to keep you updated on how everything is going.

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